Ready to Eat Crab Claws
|Port Clyde Fresh Catch is a Maine Fishermen’s Cooperative|
These claws are from the Rock Crab or Jonah Crab. The shells have been removed except for the ” handle” the top part of the pincher.
These should be eaten like artichoke leaves, stripping the meat with your teeth as you pull the claw using the “handle” to hold onto. There is cartilage in the middle of the claw that is inedible.
These are great dipped in the cocktail sauce as appetizers.
Please refer to the list of available products listed on the right, fill out the email form below, let us know what you would like to order and we will get back to you shortly.
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Please scroll down to review shipping information
Get Your Jonah Crab Claws Today!

Ground transport shipping rates
orders must be 10, 15, 20# sizes
Yellow zone arrives next day
Brown zone arrives second day
Shipping cost
For areas in the
yellow or brown zones
Includes Packaging
Order size,
10#=25.27 15#=26.60 20#=27.60
For orders larger than 20# or
outside of the brown or yellow zones please
call 207-372-1055